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An An overview overview of of the the supernatural supernatural elements elements of of the the WitchCraft WitchCraft setting, setting, including including spirits, spirits, ghosts, ghosts, undead, undead, and and other other creatures creatures from from beyond beyond mundane mundane existence. Comprehensive Comprehensive descriptions descriptions of of four four Metaphysical Metaphysical Arts: Arts: Magical Magical Invocations, Invocations, The The Second Second Sight, Sight, Necromancy Necromancy and and Divine Divine Inspiration. Background Background information information on on six six Associations: Associations: the the Wicce, Wicce, the the Rosicrucians, Rosicrucians, the the Sentinels, Sentinels, the the Cabal Cabal of of the the Psyche, Psyche, the the Twilight Twilight Order Order and and the the Solitaires.

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A A full full exposition exposition of of the the Unisystem Unisystem rule rule mechanics, mechanics, useful useful for for any any game game in in any any time time period. Detailed Detailed character character creation creation rules rules for for the the Gifted, Gifted, Lesser Lesser Gifted, Gifted, Mundane Mundane and and Bast. In it, you will find: A A fantastic fantastic setting setting filled filled with with magic, magic, witches, witches, sorcerers, sorcerers, psychics psychics and and the the mystical. WitchCraft is a complete roleplaying game. The choices the Gifted make will determine what the future will hold.

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It marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one - or the destruction of all things.

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Feared for their unique powers, they have been hounded for centuries, and forced to practice their Arts in secret. A Game of Magic and Dark Secrets They are the Gifted.

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